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Peconic Escargot
5.0 (42 sales)

Peconic Escargot

Cutchogue, New York, US

The story of Peconic Escargot begins in 2013. Taylor Knapp was working as a chef on the North Fork of Long Island and striving to source the restaurant's ingredients seasonally and locally. He wanted to create an escargot dish - something really special. He knew that escargot was available in cans and frozen, but was already going through such lengths to gather all his other ingredients fresh, from local sources. He started the search for local fresh escargot.

Is there anyone in New York I could buy fresh snails from?" Nada.

"Ok how about the East Coast?" Zip.

"Alright how about from the U.S.?" Again nothing. They didn't exist. ​

"And then it dawned on me...these chefs the best chefs in the country are sourcing these incredibly fresh fruits and vegetables. Seafood caught that morning. Free range chickens and grass fed beef... And then they're opening up a dusty old can of snails. That just doesn't make sense."

As a last ditch effort Taylor reached out to a former chef to see if he had any ideas. He didn't but jokingly suggested Knapp raise them himself. He got to thinking (which usually spells trouble) and that was the moment Peconic Escargot was born.

It's been a long road to get to where Peconic Escargot is today. Miles and miles of red tape and the enormous task of building a business without precedent or a road map.

Peconic Escargot is so proud to be able offer you the absolute freshest escargot in the country... and maybe even the world.

This is Peconic Escargot - never canned never frozen. Just really fresh escargot.

ATTENTION: Peconic Escargot ships every Tuesday with an order placed by midnight Monday. If your order is placed after midnight Monday it will ship the following Tuesday.

No store policy.