1 Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry Plant
Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry plants are productive and vigorous growers, producing large, glossy black, firm fruits! With a tasty blend of sweet and tart, these berries are great for pies and baking. Seeds are smaller than those of wild blackberries.
The thornless, semi-erect canes set fruit uniformly, making for easy picking. Triple Crown is well suited for berry farms, pick-your-own operations, and backyard home gardens. This fast-growing berry plant yields 13 lbs. of fruit per plant!
How to Grow Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry Plants
This variety is a summer-bearing floricane, providing you with one large harvest late season, in early August. This is a heat-tolerant blackberry plant that can grow in partial shade but prefers full sun. Plant in well-draining soil, and water well the first season.
The semi-erect canes of the Triple Crown grow best when supported by a trellis - especially when under heavy fruit load. Prune or top new canes at 5-6 feet. Tip laterals to keep at 3-4 feet. After harvest, remove old fruiting canes.
Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry plants are self-pollinating and can be propagated by encouraging the tips of canes to root into the soil. This plant only requires about 300 chill hours.
You will receive one Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry Plant
Your plant will be shipped with the roots wrapped in damp paper towels and with plastic and ready to plant upon arrival. The plant will be approximately 4” to 5” in height.
We are a full service licensed plant nursery in California. We specialize in perennial permaculture plants that you can plant once and harvest for years.
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