i used to only release this remedy after a consultation.
the ghost pipe population on my land this year was so incredibly abundant that i will release the remedy for regular purchase
i'm also tired of arguing with people on the internet about whether or not this is an appropriate remedy for you.

i've worked with ghost pipe more extensively than anyone i've ever met, studied with or read about. please be aware that there are misleading articles on the internet about ghost pipe.

**it is not a remedy that is always well tolerated**
in my experience, the people that truly need it never have adverse reactions.
people that want to use it but don’t need it typically get bizarre and unpleasant effects, even at low doses.

i once had a man insist on purchasing ghost pipe for his mild arthritis. he had a very poor lifestyle and took no steps to work on his health in any way. he read an internet article about ghost pipe and insisted that i let him purchase it. he was not interested in my gnosis. I begrudgingly let him have a .5oz bottle. i watched him take 5 drops and within minutes he was writhing with electric shock sensations and his back seized up badly. i told him he’d offended the ghost pipe. he told me it wasn’t the ghost pipe but he felt like he was suddenly reliving a terrible past back injury. he tried three more times over the next week which resulted in the same almost immediate attacks.

it is a spirit remedy. it is a teacher.
like many respectable plant medicines, ghost pipe is being misrepresented.
fad remedies are mismarketed to make a lot of money off of people that are suffering from common ailments. in this situation, that would be pain and anxiety. ghost pipe is not a silver bullet for pain or anxiety.

'fad remedies' are literally the #1 reason that most endangered medicinal plants became endangered to begin with.
some awful guy dug up all the american ginseng over 200 years ago, marketed it as a 'cure all' in global commerce and the the US native ginseng population never fully recovered.
the same thing happened to goldenseal, echinacea and seneca snake root to name a few.

please read the full description and feel free to reach out if you need to.

this particular batch contains the whole ghost pipe plant, including the root.
it's tinctured in grain alcohol
i did not intentionally harvest the root, but wasn't going to waste it.
i have personally never seen ghost pipe regrow from the same roots like a perennial.
it does tend to grow in the same area year after year if it’s in a large, established colony.
this year's batch is a deep purple/black, as it usually is. but sometimes during very dry summers and depending on the terrain the ghost pipe was harvested from, the tincture can be a silver color. i do not know why this happens. it *does not* effect how strong it is, i personally promise you.

i understand that there's a lot of anger in the plant community concerning over harvesting ghost pipe. my remedies are consciously + respectfully crafted in small batches.
restoring native endangered plants is a huge part of my practice. i don't take it lightly.

ghost pipe are an at risk species + they cannot be intentionally cultivated.
**there are a few specific situations in which they are indispensable.**

ghost pipe is 'processing support' for the tormented.
it helps a person process + integrate extremes, be it physical, emotional or spiritual pain.
i use it reliably for PTSD and C-PTSD. i have a lot of clients with these conditions and have very good regimens and lifestyle support for them. once again, ghost pipe is not a silver bullet but it can be a very important part of a meaningful plan. it is very important to note that ghost pipe is for *processing* not repressing. working through triggers and doing deep work is not comfortable. ghost pipe will help to ease the process of transforming and integrating extremes. it will not help you repress things.

it is a specific for bad trips.
i do think it's a critical remedy to have on hand in environments that are prime for irresponsible or intense psychedelic use.
that would include medicine communities that hold ceremonies where people may have a really hard time. as mentioned above, ghost pipe helps you process and transform traumas and repressed memories/emotions. these can come to light unexpectedly from psychedelic use.
it can also help you process ‘the extremes’ of overindulgence or misdosing psychedelics.

i heard a first hand story of someone sincerely struggling through an ayahuasca ceremony. physically, emotionally and spiritually they were at their limit and this had been going on for hours. a teaspoon of ghost pipe tincture promptly cut the situation in half and allowed their experience to be worked through more meaningfully. i think this is a really important.
we did later find out that the ceremony wasn’t as respectable as the client had been led to believe. ghost pipe is here for the tough lessons.

ghost pipe is also a remedy that comes to mind to aid those recovering from drug addiction.
this would be especially true if their addiction was rooted in some kind of trauma. you see where this is going.

i do think this is a reasonable remedy to try for migraines. i would strongly recommend a consultation so we could be sure that it’s a noble choice that will only help and not hurt.

there are definitely uncommon situations where ghost pipe may be a very good choice.

depending on why you might need this remedy, i will explain the perimeters of proper usage.
i most commonly rely on ghost pipe to use for people processing trauma *who are already actively working through it on their own* i have a lot of clients who have tried many avenues of spiritual-emotional-physical healing and were feeling stumped.
even then, ghost pipe almost definitely needs to be a part in a minimal, intentional regimen. see notes below for some remedies that i commonly consider in such situations.
this is so critically important to understand. the internet is extremely misleading in its indications for ghost pipe.

if ghost pipe is something that you are in need of taking regularly for an extended time, i strongly encourage you to consider a companion tincture that is also very specific to your situation. i like to tell people that 5-10 drops of ghost pipe before bed is truly a stiff dose.
when people are in a PTSD nightmare, if 5-10 drops 2-3x a day is a lot but can be reasonable if you’re taking other well rounded steps. ghost pipe alone probably will not be enough to keep your situation under control, so a skull cap tincture and a bag of ‘the hermit’ night time tea would be an excellent consideration. you can take a full dropper full or more of reishi or skull cap without issue or concern. if you sometimes need to take a full dropper or two of ghost pipe tincture for something like a migraine, go ahead. just make sure you’ve built up a good relationship with low doses first. i have found a few herbs to be helpful at low doses daily for migraines (ie: blue vervain) but it depends on your triggers and constitution.

i do not think ghost pipe mixes well with mental health meds. this is just personal gnosis open to the input of others. max out at 1-5 drops and explore even low doses with reverence. more is not more and respect will get you far.

leave space for change and input. let there be emptiness and quiet. work with your breath. do yoga or meditation or walk in the woods. i have a guided meditation that i would gladly send to anyone. it’s a useful resource for feeling safe and present with yourself.

there are notes on potential safety concerns with ghost pipe. i will tell you what i’ve observed from other critical remedies and spirit remedies. we already know phytochemistry can be complicated and is often unreliable. it changes- time of year, regionally, seasonally, contingent on weather/stress/environmental circumstances. i think that when we build relationships with natural medicines, hold space and respect for them and go slowly- humble and pure pursuits get their blessing. expect to be corrected and expect to adjust yourself accordingly. you will always be ghost pipe’s student, never their master. but with good standing and good work you can come to use it masterfully.

i consult for free so you can have the most minimal, effective + safe remedies to suit your specific needs.
please don't hesitate to reach out
****this is not an appropriate remedy for pain management or anxiety****

i understand that people can have serious issues that they've desperately tried to fix.
this is something that i see every day and i respect your situation.
ghost pipe is being marketed as a rare and mysterious remedy that miraculously cures pain and anxiety when nothing else has worked.
herbalism is poorly understood and poorly practiced, being built on fundamental misunderstandings of both how the body works and how plant medicines work.
ghost pipe is sedative and antispasmodic. it is likely to soothe anxiety, but there are countless remedies that would be fundamentally better choices on many levels.

i have wonderful remedies and minimal regimens that can appropriately support anxiety and pain management.
as with any good remedy, it's extremely important to understand the bigger picture
so we can find the root cause of your imbalances and use minimal and specific remedies to resolve those roots safely + effectively. please feel free to send me a message (or ask for my email address)
explaining your situation and we will get you what you need.

i have extremely good results with my anxiety and pain management clients

if you'd like to explore herbal support on your own, here are some considerations for individual remedies:

my absolute go to is skull cap. it is for stress that manifests very physically.
passion flower is for stress that is experienced very mentally. at the right dose, it will turn your thoughts off. the rest of the team is also excellent and have their specific uses:
lemon balm, motherwort, peppermint, bugleweed, mimosa/albizia flower, blue vervain, reishi, hawthorn
*to find the optimal anxiety remedy, it's important to know how your anxiety manifests and feels in your mind/body so you can find an herbal ally that works through those internal pathways

processing trauma + healing old wounds: skull cap, mimosa, reishi, mugwort, raspberry leaf, blue vervain. occasionally black cohosh or chaga. boundary issues: black walnut, agrimony

pain: the hermit tea is a favorite, pair it with the joint support tincture (solomon's seal, nettle + mullein) and a tiny teasel root for serious injuries (past or present). stinging nettle is a good consideration with the right formula. st johnswort is excellent when used properly.
i have two pain salves for external use.
i also have a st johnswort- burdock-mullein pain tincture that i only have limited quantity of that i only release through consultation. please inquire
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i make products to help you meet yourself where you are,

on your way to where you want to be.

hi, i'm Sydney

the one lady band behind mirrormirror

i design and carve the stamps for the packaging.

every products is individually hand stamped.

i meticulously formulate my teas + tinctures.

i've slowly perfected my line of entirely natural essential oil candles.

i wild forage and process nearly all the herbs and medicines for my tinctures + clinical practice. i sneak wild goods into my teas as much as possible.

whether you're seeking fine teas, natural candles, gifts or remedies for your health,

your interest and support means everything to me. my business is very small

but you won't find a better cup of tea or more heartfelt products from anyone else.

tea, plants + natural medicines are my life and passion.

i strive to keep my prices fair + affordable. every product is made by my own two hands

and i couldn't be happier to share them.

cheers to you☕️❤️

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