*Now available with custom Forager brand logo! Please specify with or without logo. If not specified, with logo will be sent. This bag is what I personally use in the field. Comes in the color black. These were custom made to my specifications. They are strong and can hold up to 12 or more lbs. of product. (mushrooms) depending on what you put in them. Adjustable shoulder strap and handles for easy carry! Mesh netting for breathability! Collapsable but firm to protect your product! The opening measures approximately 10" wide and the depth measures approximately 15" deep. Plastic strip to be inserted in top of rim to hold form. (included) These are the best foraging bags that i have ever used! I have tested these bags with up to 20lbs of apples and they hold up very well. My shipping days are Tuesday and Friday. Depending on what day you submit your order. It will be shipped the following Tuesday or Friday, whichever comes first. Feel free to message me for any questions.