– Yerba mate, or mate for short, is a traditional South American brew that has been said to

offer the “strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate” all

in one beverage. It has been said to contain practically all the micronutrients needed to

sustain life. There are many impressive health benefits attributed to drinking yerba mate,


– Greater energy

– Mental focus

– Reduced fatigue

– Weight loss: yerba mate can help stimulate fat oxidation and feelings of fullness, leading

to significant decreases in weight. Yerba Mate treatment affects food intake, resulting in

higher energy expenditure, likely as a result of higher basal metabolism. With a faster

metabolism, the energy is spent faster, which can lead to losing weight. Also, mate’s

effect on weight loss is probably due to the caffeine concentration, which also helps

delay the absorption of fat.

– Antioxidant activity: due to the presence of substances such as xanthines, caffeoyl

derivatives, and saponins. It is higher in antioxidants than green tea!

– Enhanced sports performance

– It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps modulate the immune system.

– It may help reduce weight by reducing appetite, increasing energy expenditure,

improving insulin sensitivity, and burning stored fat.

– It increases bone density, even in people who don’t exercise.

– May be useful for heart-related conditions including heart failure, irregular heartbeat, and

low blood pressure.

– Contains several known anticancer compounds such as saponins, ursolic acid, rutin,

tannin, chlorogenic acid, and chlorophyll. Studies have shown that compared with other

teas (such as green tea), yerba mate has higher cytotoxicity for cancer cells (“high

anticancer potential”).

– May be helpful in treating mental disorders such as attention disorders, depression,

mood disorders, eating disorders, and substance abuse.

A 2012-2014 research done in Argentina showed that daily consumption of mate

reduced the total cholesterol and LDL (“The bad”) cholesterol by almost 12% in the

course of 12 weeks

– INGREDIENTS: Organic Yerba Mate, Organic Ground Reishi.

How to prepare:

You can buy mate pre-made (look near the canned iced tea). Or, you can brew your

own. The traditional method is to pour near-boiling water over the leaves and steep for

several minutes. The tea is then strained and served hot or cold, with or without the

addition of a sweetener.

If you want to get really traditional, you’ll want to brew your mate in a gourd and sip it

through a special metal straw with a filter at one end. Mate can also be shared as a ritual

of friendship or hospitality. There’s a whole set of rules and manners that go along with


What does yerba mate taste like?

Many people would describe yerba mate as an acquired taste. Added sugar or honey

can make it more palatable, although this also offsets the healthfulness somewhat.

In truth, most traditional stimulant drinks are somewhat bitter due to the various plant

alkaloids that give them their special properties. But, given their enduring popularity, the

pleasant or useful effects of the caffeine must more than compensate for any initial


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Hi ! I am Roxana Aparicio, I am a physician and founder of Reishi & Health a woman owned tea business located in Houston. We focused on producing the best functional mushrooms tea around.

I started this business a year ago after the sudden death of my husband because of a rare type of cancer. I decided to give up traditional medicine and get into the functional mushrooms world. I put the best of my medical knowledge in this product to promote health and longevity in a nature way.

I created six blends of functional teas with reishi mushroom and the best combination of organic natural herbs each of them with its particular health goal. no additive no sugar no artificially flavoring.

I want to bring health and wellness through tea ritual. Herbs are about more than physical results they’re also about mental benefits. The process itself is a form of self care.

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