5.0 (46 sales)


Nashville, Arkansas, US

Frequently Asked Questions

What's your shipping policy?
  • We always do our best to ship any orders same day if ordered before 9 am. Otherwise, our standard processing time is always 1 day with the exception of Sundays or federal holiday as post office are not open those days. If ever there is a delay for unforeseen reason, we will personally reach out to you to explain.
What's your return policy?
  • Because of the nature of our product, we can only accept returns if they are returned back in the same, unopened condition in which it was delivered to you. If you receive a product that has been broken in transit, please reach out with a picture and we will be happy to replace it ASAP.
What Type of Extraction liquid do you use?
  • All of our tinctures are extracted in one of 2 ways which will be clearly marked on each bottle and in each listing, Alcohol extraction and Vegetable Glycerin extraction. You can assume all of our listings are Alcohol extracted unless you see a note in the description or purchase section that says AE (alcohol extracted) or VG (vegetable glycerin.)
What is the difference between alcohol and glycerin extraction? Is one better?

Both our alcohol extracted, and glycerin extracted are gluten free, organic and non-gmo. The difference in our experience is preference.  Some people simply do not like or cannot have the alcohol due to personal reasons. As well, children are better off with glycerin extracted. Our experience however is that alcohol is much more effective at fully extracting the medicinal benefits of any plant matter. That being said, alcohol extracted teds to be a more powerful and potent tincture. Glycerin is more viscous and thicker liquids don't extract quite as easily, usually resulting in a milder tincture that depending on need may cause you to need to use more for the same effect. In the end it comes down to preference on taste, personal beliefs and need. 

Have more questions? Just click the 'message vendor' button to contact us!

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