Black Trumpet Caramel

Classic caramel sauce gets a savory upgrade with the addictive funk of black trumpet mushrooms.
read time
1 minutes


Prep Time
2 minutes
Active Time
15 minutes
Total Time
17 minutes
black trumpet caramel, black trumpet caramel recipe


Makes 1 bowl -- If using a black trumpet mushroom powder, reduce the quantity to 1-1.5 tbsp**
- 1 Sauce Pot
- 1 Whisk
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 6 tbsp butter
- 3-4 tbsp finely minced black trumpets* [cooked, fresh or rehydrated]
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- pinch kosher salt


Step 1 - Melt sugar

Pour the sugar into an even layer in a small sauce pot, and set it over medium-low heat. Allow the sugar to melt, and brush down the sides of the pan with water as needed to prevent crystallization. As the sugar begins to brown, swirl the pan to encourage even cooking, but do not stir. Continue cooking the sugar to a deep golden caramel color, then turn off the heat to avoid burning. Keep the pot over the burner as you complete steps 2 and 3, as the residual heat will make stirring easier.

Step 2 - Stir in butter and add black trumpets

Whisk the butter into the caramel, one tablespoon at a time, until fully dissolved and homogeneous. Stir in finely minced black trumpets.

Step 3 - Whisk in caramel

Slowly pour the heavy cream into the mixture, whisking vigorously, until well-combined. Add salt to taste. Cool and serve.

What do Black Trumpet Mushrooms Taste Like?

Black trumpets taste mushroomy, sweet-savory, earthy, and

have a touch of mossy-funk. When dried, their aroma is nutty and often resembles parmesan cheese. If that flavor sounds complex, that’s because it is! They’ll even have a touch of smokiness on occasion.

We’ve chosen to use them in a caramel sauce because those complex flavors make a great contrast to the simple sweetness and fattiness of a classic caramel.

Do I have to use Fresh Black Trumpets?

Nope! Feel free to use dried black trumpets in this recipe, just soak them in warm water first. You can also use a black trumpet mushroom powder here, but reduce the volume of the recipe to 1-1.5 tbsp.

Just note that if you’re using fresh or dried whole mushrooms, it’s wise to cook the mushrooms before adding them to the caramel. Any cooking method will work here, but a quick pan fry or steam is probably easiest.

How to Use this Caramel

Drizzle it over ice cream or cheesecake, make a caramel-butter to serve on bread, use it in a BBQ sauce or glaze for meats, or serve it with strong cheeses on a charcuterie board! For something cozy, make a warm caramel drink by blending it with our shagbark hickory nut milk!

Where Can I buy Black Trumpet Mushrooms?

Right here! Shop directly from foragers, farmers, and food artisans on Foraged Market.