How to Cook Greenbrier

Greenbrier – sometimes called ‘wild asparagus’ – is the Spring vegetable that puts whimsical tendrils on your plate.
read time
1 minutes


Prep Time
15 minutes
Total Time
15 minutes
How To


Greenbrier Ingredients
- Greenbrier Shoots


Step 1 - Harvest young greenbrier shoots or buy from Foraged

Harvest young greenbrier shoots or buy from Foraged. Have them ready.

Harvest young greenbrier shoots or buy from Foraged.
Harvest young greenbrier shoots or buy from Foraged.
Step 2 - Sort the shoots into different thicknesses

Sort your greenbrier shoots into their various thicknesses - this will make blanching the shoots easier.

Sort the shoots into different thicknesses
Sort the shoots into different thicknesses
Step 3 - Trim dried ends and discolored tendrils

3. Trim the dried or tough bottoms of any of the shoots. Remove any discolored tendrils and trim any dark or soft spots.

Trim dried ends and discolored tendrils
Trim dried ends and discolored tendrils
Step 4 - Blanch in boiling water and and shock in ice water

4. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, and prepare a bowl of ice water. Cooking one thickness at a time, submerge the shoots in the boiling water and cook until they turn bright green, about 30 seconds.

Blanch in boiling water and and shock in ice water
Blanch in boiling water and and shock in ice water
Step 5 - Before & after blanching

The thinner ones will cook faster. Remove from the pot and immediately submerge in ice water to halt the cooking. Repeat with remaining thicknesses.

Before & after blanching
Before & after blanching
Step 6 - Dry thoroughly

Dry thoroughly.

Dry thoroughly
Dry thoroughly
Step 7 - As always - get creative!

Store or prepare according to recipe instructions.

As always - get creative!
As always - get creative!
Step 8 - Try adding them to a polenta

Try adding them to a polenta

Try adding them to a polenta.
Try adding them to a polenta.
Step 9 - Try them in our recipe for greenbrier with lemony cream

Try them in our recipe for greenbrier with lemony cream

Try them in our recipe for greenbrier with lemony cream
Try them in our recipe for greenbrier with lemony cream
Step 10 - Try them in a frittata

Try them in a frittata

Try them in a frittata
Try them in a frittata

What does Greenbrier Taste Like?

Many people will say that any Spring shoot that’s green and crunchy kind of “tastes like asparagus” – but in greenbrier’s case, it does! The flavor can change drastically based on species and region, but they’re always sweet, green, and pleasantly vegetal. Plus, their curled stalks and long tendrils make for whimsical shapes and deliver a delightful crispy-tender crunch.

Doesn’t Greenbrier have Thorns?

The thorns of the greenbrier plant are tough, sharp, and hard when the vine is mature but tender and soft when young. When we talk about eating greenbrier, we’re talking just about the shoots in Spring. The new growth of the plant has a texture like young asparagus, with a little less woodiness.

How do you Cook Greenbrier?

It’s best to first prep your greenbrier shoots by trimming, blanching, and shocking the stalks. This turns them bright green but keeps their crisp-tender texture. Once prepped, they can be sautĂ©ed, grilled, chopped in a salad, served under fish, or sliced in egg dishes. It’s such a versatile and approachable vegetable, you can’t go wrong!

Where Can I Find Greenbrier?

Greenbrier grows abundantly in a variety of soil compositions – but you can also purchase some directly from reputable foragers right here on Foraged Market!

The Greenbrier in these photos were provided by Commander’s Cap Organics!